7 Months in Clarksville, TN
March marks seven months of living in Clarksville, TN. What has been happening with JJP and the Johnson family in those seven months? Here's a little recap and a glimpse at what is to come!

The kids and I moved here in August for the start of school. Fall football and cheerleading were the perfect activities to help us meet friends and form bonds in our new home. I also coached both girls' cheerleading teams, something I hadn't been able to be as involved in when at Belvoir. We hosted each team in our home for a team building day- a pizza party and took sport themed action shots with smoke and glitter. We really were thrown into what it's like to live in a smaller city, and embrace the small town lifestyle. Football and cheer was a great season with many positive outcomes for the children and myself, but it took up more time than I ever imagined it would. The time commitments and being a solo parent for the majority of the season hindered me from fully focusing on my photography business. Halfway through I realized this is the blessing of having my own business; it allows me to step away and engage with my family and community while knowing that my business will be there when I am ready to focus on it again.

Chris joined us from Ft. Belvoir in October after being apart from the family for 8 weeks. He was able to take block leave to help coach the end of the kids' football season. We were able to get the house's finishing touches completed including spending time together in our second passion, building furniture.

When he went back to work life was all of a sudden in a normal routine again. Four kids in school, husband at work, plenty of time to focus on my business and establishing myself our new community. But… I didn’t want to. I realized that while I LOVE photography and the families I work with, I just mentally and physically needed a break after being 1000% dedicated to capturing the moments of other people's lives. For the last 10 years I have been putting my clients and their needs before my family. I needed to spend time making memories and moments with my own family and for myself.

It is March 3rd and I finally feel settled, refreshed, and motivated to jump back in to my business. I have learned over this break that it is okay to pause, take a step back, and take care of myself. I am excited to relaunch my business here in Clarksville! I am booking spring sessions and looking forward to meeting new babies and families!